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firstNameStringFirst name
lastNameStringLast name
dateOfBirthDateDate of birth
employmentStatusEmploymentStatusEmployment status
mainEmploymentTypeEmploymentTypePrimary income type
retirementAgeEstimateIntEstimated retirement age
baseAnnualIncomeGrossFloatBase income before bonus of comission
hasBonusBooleanHas any bonus / commission
expectedBonusAmountFloatExpected annual bonus / comission
hasOtherIncomeBooleanAny other sources of income?
expectedOtherIncomeAmountFloatExpected annual income from other employment
monthlyIncomeNetFloatMonthly income net of tax
marginalTaxRateFloatMarginal tax rate in decimal format, leave unspecified if N/A
eligibleForStatePensionBooleanIs eligible for state pension
monthlyRetirementOutgoingExpectedFloatExpected outgoings in retirement
hasGoodHealthBooleanWhether person is in good health
smokingStatusSmokingStatusSmoking status
monthsOfFinancialSafetyIntHow many months the person could financially survive for following an accident or injury, leave unspecified if N/A, input a value >12 if answer is 'Longer'